Dodd & Co continue to recognise the environmental challenges facing the world at large and more locally in Cumbria. We are committed to minimising our impact on the environment as a result of our business operations, and promoting sustainable practices across our teams.

We currently:

  • Use only paper from sustainable sources in all of our office printing
  • Recycle all confidential and shredded paper waste
  • Use motion lighting in certain shared areas to reduce energy consumption
  • Have invested in remote working technology allowing our staff to work effectively from home or clients premises, minimising unnecessary travel
  • Use local suppliers where possible

We are committed to:

  • Continual monitoring of our environmental impact across our offices
  • Reducing our carbon footprint annually with an aim of helping Cumbria to become net zero by 2037
  • Reducing our consumption of products and materials, and the sourcing of sustainable alternatives where possible
  • Reducing the amount of waste produced at each of our offices
  • Considering the environmental impact of all new business and services offered

To achieve this we will:

  • Engage with Zero Carbon Cumbria, and Cumbria Action for Sustainability on where we can continuously improve our performance
  • Monitor our performance with respect to our key objectives, such as carbon output, and waste reduction
  • Implement a sustainable procurement policy, to ensure that our goals are shared and supported by our suppliers
  • Report our performance annually, and review targets and new techniques and technologies as they become available

The above objectives are communicated to all of our staff and stakeholders, and everyone is encouraged to suggest ways in which the business can continue to make a positive impact.